
So, what's this all about, anyways?

You might be wondering, as you read this second post, "So, what is this blog about?!?"

And that's a good question... especially since 'you' (my one and only reader) are my husband.  I'm sure you must be wondering.  Well, I'll tell you.  I'm hoping that eventually I'll have more readers!  Like... maybe the grandparents, or aunts and uncles... and if I imagine with real ambition, then maybe some other parents, or crafters, or friends, or... I don't know yet!  We'll see together!

Oh, and in case any future readers decide to read back into the archives, and come across this post, perhaps thinking to themselves "Now, what is this blog about, anyways???," perhaps I'll attempt a teensy description of my intentions here. 

This blog is going to be about everything!  Er, well... everything that I care about, in any case.  That includes: my family, parenting, unschooling (ever heard of that?) sewing and crafts, healthy or not-so-healthy cooking, what our Judaism is looking like (you'll see why I include this eventually, I think), books I'm enjoying, local things of interest (can I be more vague?) etc.

So, anyhow, I am looking forward to this mishmash sort of blogging.  And the best part?  Its NOT a journal on lined paper and I can't stash it in the bookcase and forget to write for years and years.  Although... I guess I could forget to come online and update it.  Oh well, I can only promise I'll try my best. 

Wish me luck, dear Hubby (and any future readers)!

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